
20 Nov 2024

The LOGIC 2025 website has been launched.



Snežana Tadić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nenad Bjelić, University of Belgrade, Serbia


Dimitrios Aidonis, International Hellenic University, Greece

Milan Andrejić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nenad Bjelić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Ivan Brezina, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Svetlana Dabić - Miletić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Mauro Dell'Orco, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Dragan Đurđević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Milorad Kilibarda, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Kap-Hwan Kim, Zhejiang University, China

Herbert Kopfer, University of Bremen, Germany

Mladen Krstić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Momčilo Miljuš, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Svetlana Nikoličić, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Michele Ottomanelli, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Juraj Pekár, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Dražen Popović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Gordana Radivojević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Branisalava Ratković, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Snežana Tadić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dušan Teodorović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dimitrios Triantafillou, Alexander Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece

Elen Twrdy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Jelena Vlajić, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

Slobodan Zečević, University of Belgrade, Serbia



SUBMISSION soon available

Registration – soon available

IMPORTANT DATES – soon available

Review certificate is available on this link.

Proceedings of the LOGIC 2022 conference is available here.

LOGIC 2022

Presentations from the Best practice part of the conference may be downloaded here.

Conference photos are available here.


Photos from the LOGIC 2022 are available here.

Media promotion of the LOGIC 2022 can be seen in the following links:

Final program of the BEST PRACTICE part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here.

Final program of the CONFERENCE part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here

Updated version of the program of the conference part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here

ZOOM links

Thursday, 26th May 2022

   Join with ZOOM logo
1100-1300 Logistics terminals and transport systems
  Join with ZOOM logo
1430-1630 Optimization and modeling in logistics and transportation
  Join with ZOOM logo

Friday, 27th May 2022

900-1100 SCM, Logistics 4.0, information technologies in logistics
  Join with ZOOM logo
1130-1330 Warehousing and materials handling
  Join with ZOOM logo


Program of the BEST PRACTICE

Final program of the BEST PRACTICE part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here.

Preliminary program of the BEST PRACTICE part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here.

Conference program

Final program of the conference part of the LOGIC 2022 can be downloaded here.

The venue of the LOGIC 2025 is:

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering

located at Vojvode Stepe 305 in Belgrade, Serbia

Combined concept of presentations has been provided at LOGIC 2022. For more details visit the PROGRAMME section.

Paper presentation notice

Due to the positive trend in the COVID-19 epidemiological situation paper presentation will be organized in a combined manner. Beside planned on-line Zoom presentations, authors at the venue will be provided with the possibility to perform classical presentations, which will also be transmitted on-line.

Invited talk subject has been published at the PROGRAMME part of the LOGIC website.

The Sustainable Futures (SF) journal dedicated a special issue to selected high quality papers presented at the LOGIC 2022

Deadline for abstract submissions has been updated

Important dates section has been updated

Pojedinačni radovi

LOGIC 2013

LOGIC 2015

LOGIC 2017

LOGIC 2019

LOGIC 2022




Invited talk

Smart Terminal Operation Systems
Kap-Hwan Kim,
Ocean College, Zhejiang University

This talk introduces various types of handling facilities in advanced seaport container terminals and compares practical cases of automated container handling systems. It is discussed how these facilities are efficiently utilized with the support by terminal operation systems. Various functions of terminal operation systems are introduced and it is introduced how optimization techniques may be applied to the functions. Various issues and strategies to make the future terminal operation systems smarter will be proposed.


Kap Hwan Kim is working at Ocean College of Zhejiang University. Before joining to Zhejiang University, he had worked at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Pusan National University. He studied at the Seoul National University (Bachelor) and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Master, Ph.D.). He was the director of the Institute of Logistics Innovation and Networking at Pusan National University and the president of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers. He is a fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. His research is focused on the design and operational problems of container terminals. He published many papers at international journals such as OR Spectrum, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Transportation Science, Transportation Research B, Transportation Research E, European journal of Operational Research, and so on.


LOGIC comprises academic sessions welcomes all papers related to theoretical aspects of logistics as well as those related to business applications and case studies.

LOGIC 2025 program committee is pleased to inform you that submission process will be done by EasyChair conference system.

Submitted papers will be refereed by at least two independent international referees. After the refereeing process, accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 6th Logistics International Conference. Besides, conference committees will try to provide additional publication possibilities for authors interested in giving more details related to research results that would be presented on the LOGIC. All additional publication possibilities will be presented here as soon as they are provided.

Conference papers should be prepared in accordance to MS Word template. Notice for researchers using Chromium based web browsers (e.g. Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave etc.): if the template download does not start automatically upon clicking the link, copy the link address ( and paste it directly into the browser's address bar.

Note: Before paper submission, authors that don't have an EasyChair account, first should make one in order to sign in. Additionally, authors without ORCID number should apply for it since that information is mandatory for referencing purpose.




Registration fees

  Early bird
(until 30th April 2025.)
(1st May 2025. and later)
Authors 100 € 120 €
Students 70 € 90 €
(without a paper)
100 € 120 €

Payment method

Instructions for payments in euros will be available at this place in a short notice.


For all questions about the LOGIC2025 conference feel free to contact organizing committee at:
phone:   +381 11 3091247
fax:   +381 11 3096704

Saobraćajni fakultet - Odsek za logistiku
(LOGIC conference)Vojvode Stepe 305

11000 Belgrade



Hotel N ,Hotel M ,Hotel Sterling and Hotel Avalon are located in the near proximity of the conference venue.

Beside the hotels in the proximity of the conference venue, Belgrade offers wide verity of different accommodation opportunities (hotels of different categories, apartments, hostels...) in the area around city center.



Snežana Tadić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nenad Bjelić, University of Belgrade, Serbia


Dimitrios Aidonis, International Hellenic University, Greece

Milan Andrejić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nenad Bjelić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Ivan Brezina, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Svetlana Dabić - Miletić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Mauro Dell'Orco, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Dragan Đurđević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Milorad Kilibarda, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Kap-Hwan Kim, Zhejiang University, China

Herbert Kopfer, University of Bremen, Germany

Momčilo Miljuš, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Svetlana Nikoličić, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Michele Ottomanelli, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Juraj Pekár, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Dražen Popović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Gordana Radivojević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Snežana Tadić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dušan Teodorović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Dimitrios Triantafillou, Alexander Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece

Elen Twrdy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Jelena Vlajić, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

Slobodan Zečević, University of Belgrade, Serbia


  • Abstract submission deadline: 20th February, 2025
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: 28th February, 2025
  • Full paper submission: 31st March, 2025
  • Notification of full paper acceptance: 25th April, 2025
  • Final conference program: 10th May, 2025
  • LOGIC: 22nd – 23rd May, 2025


The best practice part of the LOGIC is organized in a collaboration with partner companies and it is focused to significant contemporary problems, projects, solutions, plans and achievements from the field of logistics. Therefore, it is a great opportunity to see new logistics challenges and trends, exchange professional experiences, and good practice in logistics and supply chains.

Another goal of the best practice part of the conference is to connect state of the art scientific knowledge with the practical logistics challenges and that through the synergy of theoretical and practical knowledge improve logistics and supply chain performances of companies. Accordingly, at this part of the conference we expect significant number (over 150) of participants, professors, researchers, business peoples, managers and experts from the fields of logistics, supply chains, transportation, fright forwarding, trade, production, insurance, finance, service, government institutions…

Exhibition (fair) is an inseparable part of the best practice part of the conference, and a place where practitioners can present their companies, products, services and solutions.

During the first five LOGICs the best practice part of the conference was accepted above all expectations by practitioners which eventually in 2023. resulted in LOGIS as a separate annual conference. Nevertheless, LOGIS still remains a part of the LOGIC.

For all additional information and arrangements, you can contact organizing committee of the LOGIC in accordance to contact data given at the CONTACT part of this web site, or go to the LOGIS web page (on Serbian) and seek for additional information.



Izazovi - Trendovi - Rešenja

Konferencija predstavlja međunarodni logistički forum na kome se predstavljaju aktuelni projekti, rešenja, planovi i dostignuća iz oblasti logistike. LOGIC 2022 je prilika za upoznavanje sa aktuelnim logističkim izazovima i trendovima, kao i razmenom profesionalnih iskustava i dobre prakse u logistici i lancima snabdevanja.

Primarne teme:

  • Logistika i lanci snabdevanja u vreme pandemije i nove realnosti
  • Novi projekti i rešenja
  • Obrazovanje i ljudski resursi
  • Primeri dobre prakse

Za sve detaljnije informacije i dogovore možete se obratiti prof. dr Miloradu Kilibardi, predsedniku Organizacionog odbora LOGIC 2022. tel. 011/3091-335, 063/88 35 084, e-mail:


Please note that the list of topics listed at the conference web site could be understood rather as a remainder then a rule, and authors are encouraged to submit contribution to any of logistics related areas. Topics are:

  • Analysis of transportation, handling, and storage processes
  • Applications of IT technologies to logistics systems
  • City logistics
  • Closed loop supply chains and reverse logistics
  • Demand for logistics services
  • Global and regional logistics
  • Green logistics and green supply chain management
  • Humanitarian and emergency logistics
  • Improving standards in logistics and supply chain management
  • Intermodal transport
  • Logistics centers and freight terminals
  • Logistics in agriculture and food industry
  • Logistics in the service sector
  • Logistics in tourism and sports events
  • Logistics management software
  • Logistics services and logistics provider
  • Logistics value chain analysis
  • Methodology in logistics research
  • Military logistics
  • Monitoring and management of logistics costs
  • New trends and strategies in logistics
  • New trends in freight forwarding
  • Operations planning and control of logistics processes
  • Optimization modeling and simulation analysis of logistics systems
  • Performance measures and efficiency analysis in logistics systems
  • Quality management in logistics
  • Supply chain management
  • Transport and distribution logistics
  • Work force and human factor in logistics processes


LOGistics International Conference (LOGIC) has been launched in 2013. with the objective to become forum and meeting place where participants from universities, institutes, companies and public institutions from different logistics related fields will have an opportunity for collaboration and exchanging ideas.

LOGIC comprises academic sessions as well as a part dedicated to workshops and round tables. Therefore, all papers related to theoretical aspects of logistics as well as those related to business applications and case studies are welcome. From 2023. the workshops and round table part of the LOGIC grew up in a separate annual LOGIS conference, which remains inseparable part of each LOGIC.

supporters 2019


Presentations from the Best practice part of the conference may be downloaded here.

LOGIC 2019

LOGIC 2017

LOGIC 2015

LOGIC 2013


Учесници из Србије

Висинe котизацијa:


Ранија регистрација
(до 30. априла 2025.)

Каснија регистрација
(од 1. маја 2025.)

Аутори 12000 динара 14400 динара
Студенти 8400 динара 10800 динара
(без рада)
12000 динара 14400 динара

Начин плаћања:

Инструкције за плаћање физичких лица и институција из Србије ће бити објављене на овом месту у наредном периоду.

  1. Физичка лица

Плаћање котизације се реализује уплатом на Жиро рачун факултета.
Подаци потребни за уплату су:

-Прималац: Саобраћајни факултет, Војводе Степе 305, 11000 Београд

-Сврха уплате: Котизација за LOGIC 2025

-Жиро рачун: 840-1443666-83

-Позив на број: 52-1050

Пример попуњене уплатнице је дат овде

  1. Правна лица

За добијање предрачуна обратити се Финансијско материјалној служби Факултета (контакт особа Снежана Станојевић, тел. (011)30 91 212, или на e-mail адресу или на маил адресу конференције.

Уз захтев за предрачун доставити:

-тачан назив, адресу, телефон и факс институције (правног лица)

-ПИБ број

-број котизација који се плаћа

-списак аутора из институције за које се плаћа котизација



Mladen Krstić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Milan Andrejić, University of Belgrade, Serbia


Milan Andrejić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Mladen Božić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nemanja Golubović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Mladen Krstić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Milica Mitrović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Vukašin Pajić, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nikola Pavlov, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Miloš Veljović, University of Belgrade, Serbia